A few of my clients have requested purchasing one of my Schirok Hard Bodies womens black cap sleeveT-Shirts. I placed an order! They will be here before Christmas! T-Shirts sizes are S, M, L, and they cost $25 each. Order yours today!


I was chosen as the Future of Fitness Girl for this month by Oxygen magazine. Oxygen is another great site for information for my clients.


Join me on, It is a great site to build support and learn more about fitness and nutrition.


Lisa Schirok

At Schirok Hard Bodies, Lisa is passionate about fitness and a healthy balanced lifestyle. Her knowledge will help provide you the tools to achieve positive change in your own journey. Her program is tailored to your goals and provides on-going support and mentoring.

With over 8 years experience in the fitness community, Lisa has built a strong, devoted client base. She has guided clients to their goals of the competition stage and shared her extensive knowledge about fitness and wellness with her network of learners. She believes in looking great and feeling even better. By combining strength, balance and flexibility and incorporating simple healthy nutritional plans, Lisa's clients have accomplished just that.

Her tough, yet realistic approach allows Lisa's clients to understand their potential, build their confidence and achieve maximum results. Lisa brings together both the physical and nutritional aspects of training, and recognizes the emotional coaching side of the fitness journey. Her goal is to bring together the mental, physical and emotional components of fitness training to assist individuals in discovering their full potential.