A few of my clients have requested purchasing one of my Schirok Hard Bodies womens black cap sleeveT-Shirts. I placed an order! They will be here before Christmas! T-Shirts sizes are S, M, L, and they cost $25 each. Order yours today!


I was chosen as the Future of Fitness Girl for this month by Oxygen magazine. Oxygen is another great site for information for my clients.


Join me on, It is a great site to build support and learn more about fitness and nutrition.


A good fitness program requires a healthy lifestyle, focus, and a good plan. Whether you want to lose the extra-pounds, or just stay in shape, these tips may help you reach your fitness goals; the beginning to your amazing transformation.

  1. Eat whole foods ~ Natural, unprocessed whole foods are used more efficiently by the body and less likely to be stored as body fat. Choose complex carbohydrates to replenish muscle glycogen which is used to supply energy for exercise and activity. Choose fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains to compliment the complex carbs.

  2. Eat enough protein ~ protein is key to weight loss and should be included in every meal. Good sources of lean protein include white poultry meat, fish, lean red meats, tofu, beans and cottage cheese.

  3. Drink plenty of water ~ your body is 70% water. Proper hydration is necessary for weight loss. I recommend 3-4 liters per day. There are many benefits to drinking water; decreases appetite, alleviates fluid retention, removal of metabolic toxins and wastes and increases energy levels.

  4. Eat 5-6 times a day ~ eating frequently throughout the day burns more calories, keeps energy levels high, increases your metabolism and helps to decrease the temptation to snack between meals or bedtime.

There are many other little tips to help transform your body. Contact Schirok Hard Bodies to discover more tricks of the trade.